Friday, March 27, 2009


When I was younger I changed schools often. During one particular switch I was asked to fill out several forms related to my person. To this day I am not sure why you would hand a 4th grader such a complicated task…but in any case…
I specifically remember two questions in particular, mostly because of the outcome of my answers.
I was first asked for my name, as forms often do. First let me say that Margaret, while not only a silly name, is incredible hard to spell at a young age. What did I write?


Another question, further down the form, asked for my race or ethnicity. I examined my options and decided that none seemed to fit me adequately. My response?

X Other: White

Expectedly, my answers were cause for concern among my new educators. I was called after class to discuss my forms with my teacher.
“Why did you spell your name like that?”
“Like what?”
“Oh whoops.”
“Well then, why did you check the 'other' box and write 'white' instead of simply checking 'Caucasian?'"
“Haha. I’m not from Caucasia.”

Bad Habits

When I was in the 4th grade, I still sucked my thumb...regularly. I sucked it all the time. I became extraordinarily good at completing tasks using only my right hand. I could tie shoelaces, make sandwiches and play Nintendo.

My 4th grade class had an individual restroom. I can only assume this was meant to counteract the overly misused "I have to go to the bathroom" excuses to avoid pop quizzes. One day in particular I excused myself to the restroom, dropped the toilet lid and sat down to have a good suck.

After nearly 10 minutes had passed, there was a loud rapping at the bathroom door. "Maggie Cameron!" the frog-like voice of my teacher, Mrs. Reubentisch, boomed through the door. Aghast, I dropped my thumb in to my lap, which now appeared as though it had been in the bathtub for over an hour.

I fumbled around for something to pretend was occupying my time. Bathrooms have little by way of interesting artifacts.

Again, Mrs. Reubentisch's voice carried through the 2-inch thick door, "I know you're in there! You better not be in there sucking your thumb!"

Needless to say, I quickly opened the door and returned to my seat. This is the only reason I am thankful I didn't attend upper school with anyone from Belle View Elementary.

1 comment:

Ali said...

and another belly laugh. THanks M I think I just broke another FREAKIN rib.

I am so following you now!!!!!!!!